Friday, October 30, 2009

Black Tuesday! #3 beer in the world

At this time Black Tuesday, is the #3 beer in the world according to Beer Advocate's Top Beers on Planet Earth, right above Pliny the Younger, a Double IPA, and Westvleteren 12, a Trappist Quadruple. This past week one of most anticipated beers was released - Black Tuesday. Patrick Rue, founder and head brewer of The Bruery says that it was, “created on that now infamously dark Tuesday at The Bruery, using 2,500 pounds of grain, more than double any of the usual recipes, along with several different forms of sugar, Black Tuesday has grown into a massive, flavorful imperial stout that weighs in at a robust 19.5% alcohol. Aged in bourbon barrels for over a year, this midnight black stout is full of flavor: vanilla, burnt caramel, toasted oak, licorice, prunes and sherry-like oxidation.”

The Bruery is locatated in Plactntia, CA and unfortunately they don't distribute or ship to Texas. I was able to chat with Patrick Rue at the Great American Beer Festival and he gave me a sneak peak of Black Tuesday on tap.

This past week I talked to Kevin at The Bruery and he said that they sold out of all 1,000+ bottles of Black Tuesday in three hours! Each bottle of Black Tuesday was $30 each and had a limit of three per person. See a photo gallery of the events here:

Besides Russian River's Supplication wild ale, this is the best beer i have ever experienced, hands down best Imperial Stout. Reviewing from good notes on Black Tuesday - really wish I could get a bottle of this!!

Appearance: Poured black, sucking in the ambient light and showing a mocha head, tight carbonation.

Aroma: vanilla, freshly baked - toasted biscotti, some oak, roasted coffee, some dark fruit - cranberry and currants come to mind, roasted pecans.

Taste: is creamy mocha, vanilla, and oaky bourbon. So well balanced it's sick.

Mouthfeel: is smooth, chewy, but lends a pleasant viscosity.

Drinkability: Not fusel at all, Black Tuesday is 19.5% but drinks like 9%.

This is a 5/5

So beautifully executed. Patrick is a pioneer and a true alchemist - blending art and science into something that really speaks volumes of American ingenuity.

If this couldn't get any better The Bruery, celebrated the event with Chocolate Rain (Black Tuesday W/ Vanilla Bean Cocoa Nibs)! Wow, sounds completely insane!

Video from Black Tuesday:

The Bruery - Black Tuesday from benjamin weiss on Vimeo.

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